Thursday, April 23, 2009


one point in my life I wanted to work in the CG industry. So while in Art school, I spent plenty of time modeling and texturing different projects. First on the left is the cabin from Evil Dead II, which was one of the first big projects I had. Next was a texturing assignment I had the following semester. Following that was some character modeling courses I took, which were fun. This is where I began a writing down notes for a little buddy story between a Chupacabra and a Goat. Finally, was a guitar I modeled for some class... Not even sure what it was for anymore.

I have some more models sitting around here on my computer but all are in their respective .ma/.mb formats, which is a problem. I don't have maya anymore. :(

As much as I enjoyed modeling, animating was much more fun. I'll see what I can find around here in both the traditional 2d, flash and CG forms.

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